It is hard to believe but it has been over five years since I joined David Baskerville at Baskerville Drummond. While we have grown in number to eight staff, I am pleased to say that I am the longest standing member of the team apart from David himself.

I hope that I have helped David to move Baskerville Drummond forward. I have certainly worked with many clients and have undertaken numerous interesting and productive projects spanning crucial areas such IT strategy development, IT reviews, system selections, mergers and acquisitions, office moves and many, many more.

As such, it is with some sadness that I will now be moving on. As many of my close contacts will already know, I will soon be saying goodbye to my colleagues at Baskerville Drummond and to so many of our wonderful clients. My reason for leaving is simple, I have decided to take early retirement and to enjoy life and I am very much looking forward to the prospect.

Some of you who know me well might be wondering about my plans. I recently had an email exchange with someone in legal IT who is also retiring and he noted “It’s funny how people always ask you about your plans for retirement, like you’ve got some master plan laid out for the next X years”. I had to laugh. Surely one of the benefits of retirement is no more long-term planning!

Like him, I will be happy to take each day as it comes. That said, I have always maintained many interests outside of work and I will look forward to having more time for those while developing new ones as well. My wife and I have always enjoyed travel and we look forward to that opportunity opening up again as there are so many places left to see.

Some of you will know that one of my hobbies has been woodworking and I will certainly be devoting some more time to that. If you are really bored, you can see some of my work here >

Baskerville Drummond moved forward during my five years there and has expanded as well.

There are currently three other IT Director level consultants: David Baskerville, Nigel Stott and Cathy Kirby. We also have a Finance Director level consultant, Richard Wyatt. Further staff include Reena Osinbowale, an experienced legal PMO (Project Management Office) analyst and Anthony Crammer, an IT Service Specialist who is actively engaged with day-to-day support for several of our clients.

In summary, a strong, experienced and knowledgeable team remains so if you have any IT requirements or questions then please pick up the phone or visit the Baskerville Drummond website.

Written by…

Kevin Goosman