As LawNet’s preferred IT consultancy, there was no way that we would miss taking up our place at this year’s LawNet Conference at the Celtic Manor. Despite its enforced absence due to the pandemic, the event returned with a real bang, firing on all cylinders with its mix of thought-provoking talks, round-tables and networking opportunities.

We’ve done our fair share of legal ‘dos’ over the years, from both sides of the fence, and the team was unanimous that LawNet had delivered a bit of a belter! Our thanks to them and to all the delegates for making it such a rewarding return to in-person occasions.

From the Thursday night BBQ right through to the Saturday morning breakfast every minute was a minute well spent.

Our own Cathy Kirby shares her thoughts:

“It truly was an excellent event – my first on the other side of the fence, as an ‘exhibitor’.

What was very apparent to me was the ‘community’ feel of LawNet and the emphasis on sharing ideas and best practice alongside discussing common issues and the obvious comradery between the law firm members.

From our perspective as a recommended LawNet provider, it suited my style – I don’t like heavy sales and the LawNet team stipulates that we are not there to sell but on hand to talk to firms if they want to do so. Having said that, we were busy all day and had some great conversations which will help us in our understanding of what technology issues affect LawNet firms and how they see technology helping or hindering them in the future.

The “no pressure” network setting was great and it was really nice was to meet people I’ve worked with over the last year in a relaxed social setting. I know David enjoyed the opportunity to catch-up with people he’d worked with years ago as well as the Buckles team who he’d been working with but have never actually met in person. As a new consultant at her first event Beccy was understandably a bit nervous but the environment and culture of the event soon dissipated those nerves and she was soon networking like a veteran!

The roundtable discussion that I attended was facilitated by a senior IT person from a member firm, and was extremely interesting and thought-provoking. Those on the table genuinely felt that they could take positive action, in their own firms, based on the discussions.

Overall, the event was seamlessly run by the LawNet team. They have the conference format down to a fine art and delivered to a high standard. They were also friendly and helpful throughout the whole event, which made it a real pleasure to be part of!”

Cathy Kirby