Save the date – Roundtable webinar

Mobilising your IT strategy through your people – Monday 7 November @ 12.30

Whilst having an IT strategy is crucial for all businesses, it will not be successful unless your IT teams are sufficiently skilled, confident and motivated to deliver it.

In this webinar, the Baskerville Drummond team is joined by Michelle Howard, Leadership, Management and Marketing Consultant. Michelle will talk us through how to mobilise IT strategy by working with employees, with key aspects including:

  • Why listening is so important in developing strategy
  • Aligning people to strategy
  • Assessing skillsets and filling the gaps
  • Harnessing skills
  • Creating motivated and happy teams ready to deliver

The session will conclude with practical takeaways drawn from our collective first-hand experience, designed to help you get your teams ready and motivated to deliver successful strategic outcomes.

Please Click Here to register your attendance.

12.30 - 14.00 Mon 7 November

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