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A look through Windows 11

A look through Windows 11

Remember a few short years ago in 2015 when Microsoft announced that Windows 10 would be the last ever version of Windows and from that point on the Operating System would be a stable, evergreen platform? Well, that changed on 24th June this year when Microsoft...

Information Security Accreditation

Information Security Accreditation

We are very pleased and proud to have achieved Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus in the last couple of months, not only because it is a demonstration of how seriously we take our clients’ data security but also because it shows that we can ‘walk the walk’ when it comes to the advice that we give our clients.

Client Snapshot: Streathers Solicitors

Client Snapshot: Streathers Solicitors

Project type PMS selectionScope Streathers had looked at a number of practice management systems but lacked the internal knowledge and time to move the project forward.  Baskerville Drummond was engaged to manage the selection project end-to-end, from initial...

Bott Van Kesteren Partners (BVK)

Bott Van Kesteren Partners (BVK)

Bott Van Kesteren Partners were very clear on one thing: their IT platform had to have the same (or better) level of availability, security, reliability and functionality as that of Linklaters or any other Magic Circle law firm.

Stick or twist?

Stick or twist?

Are our current systems future-proof?
Well as nobody can fully predict the future there is no definition of a future-proof system, despite what some vendors might claim.

The curious case of the disappearing phone system

The curious case of the disappearing phone system

Over the last five to ten years, it has become normal to follow a cloud-first IT Strategy. This is particularly the case when considering telephone systems. The promise of a more robust platform on a ‘pay per user per month’ basis makes compelling business sense for such commodity services.

An acceleration of the inevitable?

An acceleration of the inevitable?

I sit here and gaze out into my back garden through the study window, watching the bright blue-sky fade on what has been a glorious warm spring day. In my small study, I have been tapping away at my keyboard catching up on all manner of work across a myriad of...

Gotelee Solicitors

Gotelee Solicitors

Strategy development; project management; supplier selection for new hosted environment and practice management system; lockdown go-live

The Benefits of an Independent IT Review

The Benefits of an Independent IT Review

Kevin Goosman, Associate at Baskerville Drummond, offers a perspective on the benefits of undertaking an independent IT review. It’s good practice to monitor and review all aspects of your business. But with IT change happening so quickly and technology so pivotal to...

Legal IT Outlook

Legal IT Outlook

The following article is based on an interview I did for Extech Cloud back in August 2019.  In this COVID-19 world it strikes me even more that the barriers of not wanting to change the status quo, feeling that staff need to be controlled and the fear of change have...

Radcliffe Chambers

Radcliffe Chambers

With the chambers having doubled in size in five years and keen to keep operations tight and professional, we were invited in initially to review and advise on security and encryption measures.

Paris Smith PMS Selection

Paris Smith PMS Selection

A Practice Management System lasts for 10-15 years. It’s the one system that can change a law firm. PMS selection has no room for error. The selection process is as important as the system selected.

Silly Business Processes

Silly Business Processes

I recently had an email from Microsoft Bing Places requesting that I ensure our company registration record was up-to-date. The experience which followed was a good reminder of the frustrations of users when dealing with inefficient processes delivered by IT...

LPM Legal IT Landscapes

LPM Legal IT Landscapes

We attended – and facilitated – at a most informative Legal Practice Management (LPM) event yesterday, where Rupert Collins-White analysed the results of the 2018 Legal IT Landscapes, research aimed specifically at mid-sized law firms. More than 80 firms responded to...

DMS Selection & Implementation for Winckworth Sherwood

DMS Selection & Implementation for Winckworth Sherwood

Winckworth Sherwood identified that existing SharePoint Document Management System (DMS) was no longer meeting the needs and expectations of a growing business. Baskerville Drummond were engaged to support a critical DMS selection process, provide strategic advice on Cloud SaaS delivery, and provide implementation services

Merger Support for Veale Wasbrough Vizards

Merger Support for Veale Wasbrough Vizards

Merger Support for Veale Wasbrough Vizards Enabling the integration of another firm’s IT into VWV Executive Summary Client challenge: Veale Wasbrough Vizards was to merge with a smaller, £1M turn-over firm based in London. The project had the following challenges: The...

IT Health Check & Office Move Support for Wilkin Chapman

IT Health Check & Office Move Support for Wilkin Chapman

Office Move Project for Wilkin Chapman LLP Advice and support for a major office move Executive Summary Client challenge: We were retained in October 2016 by Wilkin Chapman LLP, a large law firm based in Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire, to provide advice and support...

Matthew, Arnold & Baldwin (MAB) Merger Project

Matthew, Arnold & Baldwin (MAB) Merger Project

It is always interesting to see how a project you are working on is reported in the press. In recent legal press it was reported that Matthew Arnold and Baldwin LLP (MAB) “Shuts its door” with the suggestion that Partners and their teams were fleeing as quickly as...

Virtual IT Director for Geoffrey Leaver

Virtual IT Director for Geoffrey Leaver

Virtual IT Director for Geoffrey Leaver Independent Director-level consultancy Executive Summary Client challenge: Geoffrey Leaver required senior-level IT support following the resignation of their incumbent IT manager. The firm had several areas where they required...

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