Save the date – Baskerville Drummond & Mitigo Webinar

Practical advice on cyber risk and solutions

The webinar will be introduced by Cathy Kirby from Baskerville Drummond, and features Kerrie Machin from Mitigo Group, who will provide guidance on:

  • How to know if you’ll be the next cybercrime victim
  • Where your vulnerabilities might lie (including a look at 365)
  • What are the practical questions you should ask your IT Team or outsourced provider

This webinar is aimed at all law firm managers, from Managing Partners, Department Heads through to Team Leaders and of course, IT Managers and others who need to know their firm is on top of its cyber security.

Please click the button on the right to register your attendance.

Mitigo Group, with backgrounds in bank security, law, HR and training, partnerships and affiliations, offers an effective approach to keeping businesses completely secure from any digital attacks. Kerrie Machin is a Partner of the firm and believes that the challenges of cyber security, business resilience and legal and regulatory compliance, needn’t keep business leaders awake at night. It’s just a matter of matching the right solution to the problem.

Baskerville Drummond specialise in SME law firm business strategy, particularly focusing on IT and finance matters. Cathy Kirby has over 30 years’ experience working in legal IT, dealing with all aspects of IT change projects and focusing particularly on ensuring that cyber security and data governance are core to any solution.

Please Click Here to register your attendance.

13.00 - 14.30 Tue 16 May