Virtual IT Director for Geoffrey Leaver

Independent Director-level consultancy

Executive Summary
Client challenge:
Geoffrey Leaver required senior-level IT support following the resignation of their incumbent IT manager. The firm had several areas where they required strategic assistance:

  • Reviewing current IT support contract arrangements.
  • Choosing an appropriate supplier to migrate Exchange to Office 365.
  • Finding the right mobile phone supplier to replace outdated handsets.
BDC’s Solution
We provided advice and consultancy in the form of our Virtual IT Director service. During this time, we undertook several major IT initiatives including:

  • Advised on IT support provision.
  • Planned an Exchange email migration to Office 365, including supplier selection.
  • Investigated improved bandwidth, including supplier / solution selection leading to a solution with three times the bandwidth at two-thirds of the price of the original solution.
  • Recommended a new mobile phone solution.
Engagement impact

  • The firm benefited from improvements to their IT support provision.
  • Following the selection of an appropriate supplier the firm made a smooth Exchange email migration to Office 365.
  • The firm moved to a new mobile phone solution with an improved service at a lower cost.

We have been retained as Geoffrey Leaver’s Virtual IT Director since August 2016.

During this time, we have undertaken several major IT initiatives including:

  1. Advising on IT support provision following the resignation of their incumbent IT manager.
  2. Planned an Exchange email migration to Office 365, including supplier selection.
  3. Investigated improved bandwidth, including supplier / solution selection leading to three times the bandwidth at two-thirds of the price of the original solution.
  4. Recommended a new mobile phone solution.