Office Move Project for Wilkin Chapman LLP

Advice and support for a major office move

Executive Summary
Client challenge:
We were retained in October 2016 by Wilkin Chapman LLP, a large law firm based in Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire, to provide advice and support for a major office move. The move included the relocation of the firm’s data centre that supported all eight of their locations.

  • The IT team required additional advice and support as they had never undertaken an office move.
  • The firm’s management wanted confirmation that nothing was being missed.
  • As the move was to happen during the Christmas period, time was of the essence.
BDC’s Solution
A review of the firm’s preparations was undertaken based on our office relocation experience.

  • All plans and preparations were reviewed.
  • Suggestions were made to ensure no critical tasks were missed and to highlight time critical steps.
Engagement impact
The office move project succeeded despite being subject to very tight timescales.

  • An overview of our general IT observations
  • A high-level summary of the firm’s current practice management system usage.
  • An IT recommendations paper to be used as guidance for the Chief Executive during a partners meeting.
Kevin Goosman provided sensible and pragmatic advice and support for our IT function at a critical time for the firm as they moved to a new HQ – we greatly valued his contribution
Des Mannion, CEO, Wilkin Chapman LLP