The first meeting of Baskerville Drummond’s Networking Forum for Business & IT Leaders will take place on the 23rd October 2018 (9:30am – 16:30pm).

Hosted by our friends Protiviti at their London office in the Shard, will focus on Practice Management Systems with the following agenda: –

  1. 9:30 – Coffee and Networking
  2. 10:00 – The PMS Challenge – BDC will give an update on the current PMS market, approach for system selection and building project teams.
  3. 11:00 Morning Coffee & Focused Networking
  4. 11:30 The Theory of Change and Delivering Law Firm Transformation– Andrew Thomson (ex-Hunt & Coombs CEO) and Derek Cummings (Protiviti) will consider how to prepare a Law firm for a significant change project and present a real-world example of a change program.
  5. 14:00 “Best of Breed” vs What we Need – Paul Graham from Carson McDowell will present with Linetime a case study of their recent PMS implementation.
  6. 15:00 Afternoon Coffee & Focused Networking
  7. 15:30 “Best of Breed” – Just what we need – Tim Roche from Stone King, supported by Thomson Reuters Elite, will discuss why a best of breed strategy was the right approach.
  8. 16:30 Wrap-up & AOB
  9. 16:45 Drinks reception

To register interest in this initiative please complete the following form :-

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