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Getting the best out of Microsoft 365

Getting the best out of Microsoft 365

In order to identify how M365 can be best used in a firm, we need to look at the way the firm works. This will be focused more on day to day operations rather than any aspects of legal workflow, though there are opportunities to enhance both. The firm may already be using M365 or considering doing so.

New Way of Working

New Way of Working

Our recent Lines on Online blog series looked at the practicalities around the new world of work. Now, in this guest blog from independent business consultant Peter Gill, we take a look at the possibilities going forward.   For anybody in business, which will be...

The Hybrid Work Environment

The Hybrid Work Environment

Other articles in this series have concentrated on some of the meeting solutions that are available and on the best way to run online meetings. This article will consider the differences between in-person and online meetings.

The Challenges Around Home Workers

The Challenges Around Home Workers

Since the arrival of Covid-19 and lockdown there has been a lot of discussion and articles about home working. Much of this has focused on home working from the viewpoint of the individual – should I use Teams or Zoom, isn’t it nice not having to commute and travel, how do I avoid embarrassing distractions such as the dog barking, etc. This article will focus on home working from the viewpoint of the manager and the organisation.

Watch again – PMS specials

Watch again – PMS specials

Any firm thinking about making a change to their PMS supplier or just interested in keeping tabs on the market might want to watch our two recent Baskerville Drummond @ Home video chats.

Hosting Online Meetings

Hosting Online Meetings

When the UK first went into lockdown during March 2020, a huge emphasis was placed on the importance of online meetings. The business community as a whole had to quickly become comfortable with appearing in front of a camera.

On-line meeting software

On-line meeting software

The sudden requirement to use online meeting software was originally met with panic buying. Firms rushed just to get up and running, but now, six months into the pandemic, firms are reconsidering those initial decisions. So, is that software service good for the future?

Howes Percival

Howes Percival

Following a sustained period of growth and a doubling of the partnership, Howes Percival committed to a significant program of IT expansion and transformation.

Virtual Part-time FD – the best of everything

Virtual Part-time FD – the best of everything

In many firms a Finance Director is what you need and they are the people who help you through that stuff – but they can be expensive if you have a full-time one and what do you do with a FD when they aren’t doing high-grade FD stuff?

Playing with a straight bat

Playing with a straight bat

I had a call from a contact at a managed service provider (MSP) the other week. They had just lost a long-standing client to a competitor and were in a bit of a dilemma. Their customer had engaged a consultant to undertake a review and a competitive proposal process....

Microsoft 365 Security

Microsoft 365 Security

In the next instalment of our Microsoft 365 articles, we talk about the security features available as part of your subscription I remember a time where law firms were a little suspicious of the “cloud”. How could entrusting your data to a third party be more secure...

Stick or twist?

Stick or twist?

Are our current systems future-proof?
Well as nobody can fully predict the future there is no definition of a future-proof system, despite what some vendors might claim.

Collaborating Effectively in Microsoft 365

Collaborating Effectively in Microsoft 365

In the second part of the series on Microsoft 365, we take a closer look at the collaboration tools available on the platform. In the current situation, with workforces spread geographically whilst working from their homes, the ability to effectively collaborate remotely has never been so important.

The curious case of the disappearing phone system

The curious case of the disappearing phone system

Over the last five to ten years, it has become normal to follow a cloud-first IT Strategy. This is particularly the case when considering telephone systems. The promise of a more robust platform on a ‘pay per user per month’ basis makes compelling business sense for such commodity services.

Cost-cutting – you might be getting it wrong

Cost-cutting – you might be getting it wrong

When business slows down or stops and the cash correspondingly also slows down, it is natural – and right – to reduce expenditure. The manager’s job is to manage, not be overtaken by events by failing to respond.

Making a success of succession planning

Making a success of succession planning

Law firms have a problem. There are too many owners that want to retire and too few people that are interested in taking over their business or share of their business and paying them out, so that they can do so.

An acceleration of the inevitable?

An acceleration of the inevitable?

I sit here and gaze out into my back garden through the study window, watching the bright blue-sky fade on what has been a glorious warm spring day. In my small study, I have been tapping away at my keyboard catching up on all manner of work across a myriad of...

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