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Microsoft 365 In Depth – What is Microsoft 365?
by Nigel Stott | 20 May 2020
In the first blog of a four-part series, we will take a detailed look at Microsoft 365 and what it has to offer for law firms. In 2011, Microsoft announced their Office 365 cloud-based product suite (as it was known then - it was only in April 2020 that Office...
Gotelee Solicitors
by Kevin Goosman | 20 May 2020
Strategy development; project management; supplier selection for new hosted environment and practice management system; lockdown go-live
GDPR – Are You Late to the Third-Party?
by David Baskerville | 20 May 2020
As we see an ever-increasing stream of high-profile data breaches and regulatory fines Sean O’Brien, Director DVV Solutions, takes a look at one of the most common weak links in law firms’ data security and GDPR compliance programs – the risks posed by third parties and suppliers.
CRM in law firms – nothing more than a tick-box exercise
by David Baskerville | 7 May 2020
Mention CRM and you’ll get an eye-roll from me. Why? Because most firms have had a play at this holy grail and only succeeded in spending money on overhyped – and unlikely ever to deliver – technology-focused solutions rather than grasping the nettle of what CRM...
The Benefits of an Independent IT Review
by Kevin Goosman | 6 May 2020
Kevin Goosman, Associate at Baskerville Drummond, offers a perspective on the benefits of undertaking an independent IT review. It’s good practice to monitor and review all aspects of your business. But with IT change happening so quickly and technology so pivotal to...
Legal IT Outlook
by David Baskerville | 4 May 2020
The following article is based on an interview I did for Extech Cloud back in August 2019. In this COVID-19 world it strikes me even more that the barriers of not wanting to change the status quo, feeling that staff need to be controlled and the fear of change have...
The lean, mean – but not so green – IT machine
by David Baskerville | 1 May 2020
In 2017 Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet brought the challenge of our use of plastics to mainstream conscientiousness. Whilst most people were aware that use of one-use plastic was bad it was only the visualisation of the problems which caused a wide-spread desire...
Baskerville Drummond strengthens Microsoft Cloud offering with key hire
by David Baskerville | 28 Apr 2020
Baskerville Drummond has announced details of another key hire to strengthen its IT service offering. Former Clarion Solicitors IT director Nigel Stott has joined to lead the consultancy’s work on Microsoft 365, while also providing support on strategy and selection...
Finance: It’s the Same Now as Always
by Richard Wyatt | 19 Apr 2020
Take a step back. Take a deep breath. Look at your Balance Sheet and – most importantly – think. There is never a bad time to review a firm’s finances. The firm’s current financial situation, whatever that is, will keep moving and will always be more-or-less...
Is this the New Normal?
by Kevin Goosman | 19 Apr 2020
They have been popular topics for years – working from home, remote working, taking phone calls anywhere, video conferencing, online presentations, collaborating on documents online. These have also been on the project plan for many organisations for some time. Some...
The new drug dealers
by David Baskerville | 16 Apr 2020
Over the last few weeks, we have seen unprecedented offers from IT companies/service providers to assist firms in transitioning from traditional working to remote working. These range from free trials, free service for a few weeks or months, to special offers. It...
Am I Missing Something? What Support Is the Government Giving to Law Firms?
by Richard Wyatt | 15 Apr 2020
There are several strands in the Government’s support to business. They are looking to reduce business overheads and staff costs and to make available sufficient funds to keep businesses liquid. These schemes will affect law firms in different ways. The list below...
Life is a rollercoaster
by David Baskerville | 30 Mar 2020
We were meant to go to Rome the other week with some close friends to watch Italy play England in the Six Nations. It was a trip conceived two years ago and booked a year ago. We were really lucky in a way as the FO travel advice to not to travel to Italy came the day...
It’s a snow day…
by David Baskerville | 25 Mar 2020
We certainly don’t want to be flippant about the current crisis and the efforts that IT professionals have put in to enable firms to transition successfully to homeworking are frankly staggering. I doff my hat to all the doers and applaud the decisive decision-making...
Six things to have on your radar in 2020
by Kevin Goosman | 17 Mar 2020
Sure, we all want to be ahead of the pack and it is easy to chase the latest fads and glitzy products. But you really need to have the basics in place first.
Calico Legal Solutions Group
by David Baskerville | 10 Mar 2020
Last year we joined the Calico Legal Solutions Group and we just wanted to update you on the progress of the group and to ensure you are taking advantage of what it has to offer. Calico was set up by well-known legal consultant Pauline Freegard in a bid to give law...
Radcliffe Chambers
by David Baskerville | 8 Mar 2020
With the chambers having doubled in size in five years and keen to keep operations tight and professional, we were invited in initially to review and advise on security and encryption measures.
Stranger on a train
by David Baskerville | 29 Feb 2020
You’ve read the articles, you’ve sat in the seminars, so you know how it goes. We’re talking cyber security and you know what’s coming…
The Strategy Challenge – Part 1
by David Baskerville | 6 Feb 2020
In the first of a two-part article David Baskerville explores the challenges around making technology central to the strategic management of law firms.
Feeling Like a User
by David Baskerville | 5 Feb 2020
IT professionals often lament that users of solutions do not take training seriously nor invest adequate time into learning how to get the best out of solutions provided. Last week I had a stark reminder of what it feels like to be on the other side of this debate. I...
The Strategy Challenge – Part 2
by David Baskerville | 5 Feb 2020
It is all very well to accept the imperative of change in the abstract – but to what extent is it embraced in practice? Doing instead of talking?
Vendor Management
by David Baskerville | 28 Jan 2020
Most firms recognise the cost of services purchased for the business but not the impact if those services were not available or the enhancement value they add to the service lawyers provide to their clients.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year
by David Baskerville | 10 Dec 2019
Well, 2019 has certainly been a year that’s just kept giving – a great mix of client projects, the addition of new services, the formation of the Baskerville Drummond Group, and our appointment by LawNet as its preferred IT Consultants.
Cyber Awareness
by David Baskerville | 28 Nov 2019
It has to be accepted that human behaviour is the biggest risk to a firm’s security but it should also be recognised that staff members are now under a constant attack from organised cyber criminals and therefore need education and protection from social engineering hacking.