The new drug dealers

The new drug dealers

Over the last few weeks, we have seen unprecedented offers from IT companies/service providers to assist firms in transitioning from traditional working to remote working.  These range from free trials, free service for a few weeks or months, to special offers. It...
Life is a rollercoaster

Life is a rollercoaster

We were meant to go to Rome the other week with some close friends to watch Italy play England in the Six Nations. It was a trip conceived two years ago and booked a year ago. We were really lucky in a way as the FO travel advice to not to travel to Italy came the day...
It’s a snow day…

It’s a snow day…

We certainly don’t want to be flippant about the current crisis and the efforts that IT professionals have put in to enable firms to transition successfully to homeworking are frankly staggering. I doff my hat to all the doers and applaud the decisive decision-making...