Moving On

Moving On

It is hard to believe but it has been over five years since I joined David Baskerville at Baskerville Drummond. While we have grown in number to eight staff, I am pleased to say that I am the longest standing member of the team apart from David himself. I hope that I...
Clouds v Cows – Cloud Computing Explained

Clouds v Cows – Cloud Computing Explained

Have you ever heard the expression “Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap?”. The basic idea is that if you are able to obtain some commodity (milk) cheaply and easily then you will be less inclined to pay for the commodity’s source (the cow). We can use this as an...
Talking Points… Consultants

Talking Points… Consultants

You have probably heard the joke.  You want to know the current time.  A consultant will ask to borrow your watch to tell you the time, and then walk off with your watch!  The clear implication is that a consultant will tell you what you already know – and charge you...