Hi, Finance – May

Hi, Finance – May

“Our income is not the same as our fees. Is that wrong?” The problem Most law firms and managers within those firms, such as Department or Team Heads, tend to monitor performance by looking at the fees billed by each fee earner/team/department, or the firm overall....
Hi, Finance – May

Hi, Finance – April

“I can see from the Management Accounts that I need my fee earners to record more time. Nearly all of them are under target for the Year-to-Date. I am sure they are busy enough, but they are just not getting the time down on the system. No matter how many times I talk...
Hi, Finance – May

Hi, Finance – March 2021

“I don’t understand why my firm is profitable and yet we always seem to be up against it with the Bank. We don’t want to be putting in more capital this year so what can we do now to get a grip on this?” Ultimately all a firm’s cash is generated from its fee income in...