Cost-cutting – you might be getting it wrong

Cost-cutting – you might be getting it wrong

When business slows down or stops and the cash correspondingly also slows down, it is natural – and right – to reduce expenditure.  The manager’s job is to manage, not be overtaken by events by failing to respond.  Action should certainly be taken and some idea of the...
Making a success of succession planning

Making a success of succession planning

Law firms have a problem.  There are too many owners that want to retire and too few people that are interested in taking over their business or share of their business and paying them out, so that they can do so. If you are a partner or owner looking to retire soon,...
Finance: It’s the Same Now as Always

Finance: It’s the Same Now as Always

Take a step back.  Take a deep breath.  Look at your Balance Sheet and – most importantly – think.  There is never a bad time to review a firm’s finances.  The firm’s current financial situation, whatever that is, will keep moving and will always be more-or-less...