How to Find Good Legal Sector Suppliers

How to Find Good Legal Sector Suppliers

It’s a typical situation whether at home or at work.  You find you need a particular skill or service, but you don’t know where to turn.  Perhaps you have never had this need before or worse yet, you may have been let down by the supplier you used last time,...
Law Firm IT Spend – Getting it Right

Law Firm IT Spend – Getting it Right

Having a strong IT capability is critical to all organisations, now more than ever. But like any budget category, you don’t want to overspend, and you need to invest effectively. For law firms, IT spend is likely to be the third largest expenditure category behind...
One Size Fits all vs Niche Offerings

One Size Fits all vs Niche Offerings

Introduction Most full-service law firms face the major challenge of having to reconcile the differing IT system requirements of their various practice areas with the limited resources – both IT and financial – available to the firm. On the other hand, niche firms...