Beware of what’s in the Barrel

Beware of what’s in the Barrel

I was recently invited to speak at The Law Society’s Law Management Section conference. My topic was “Getting value from IT investments”. Quantifying the return on investment from IT projects is a minefield many of us have tried to address, but while those efforts are...
Law Firm IT Spend – Getting it Right

Law Firm IT Spend – Getting it Right

Having a strong IT capability is critical to all organisations, now more than ever. But like any budget category, you don’t want to overspend, and you need to invest effectively. For law firms, IT spend is likely to be the third largest expenditure category behind...
BUSTING THE BUZZWORDS – Part 3 – Software as a Service

The Value of Unstructured Data

What is Unstructured Data? Unstructured is defined as “not formally organised in a set or conventional pattern”. At home, most of us save documents to either our Documents folder on the PC or to cloud storage products like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. We can...