Phone System Obsolescence

Phone System Obsolescence

If you are still using an in-house telephone system based on older technologies, then you need to be aware that BT will be making it obsolete over the next few years. However, the need to upgrade is an opportunity to rethink your entire communications strategy and to...
Mergers and IT – Happily Ever After?

Mergers and IT – Happily Ever After?

Mergers are increasingly common amongst law firms internationally and the UK is no exception. One source indicates that there were sixteen mergers affecting the UK top 100 firms in 2017 with a further four in the first quarter of 2018. There will of course have been...
Silly Business Processes

Silly Business Processes

I recently had an email from Microsoft Bing Places requesting that I ensure our company registration record was up-to-date. The experience which followed was a good reminder of the frustrations of users when dealing with inefficient processes delivered by IT...