Riding the Platform Dragon

Riding the Platform Dragon

Regular readers of our blogs will be aware we have been vocal supporters of the Microsoft Cloud strategy and indeed introduced Microsoft Azure and 365 to our clients to replace on premise or ‘Early Cloud Multi-Tenanted Private Cloud’ solutions well before it became...
Our firm is profitable but…

Our firm is profitable but…

Many Managing Partners get exasperated by their firm’s inability to get away from being cash-strapped, despite seeming to make decent profits, whether annually or month-by-month. There is a constant worry about paying the salaries and other major commitments, such as...

Quick Wins in Microsoft

Today, in the current world of IT there are a lot of products out there that have a lot of functionality. It is very difficult to know every function in each of these products, so I thought I would share my personal “quick wins” in some Microsoft products. Read Aloud...