Chat GPT

Chat GPT

Over the last few months, it has been impossible to avoid the explosion of “AI” news with a plethora of new developments and products being discussed on mainstream news, in the legal press, LinkedIn and networking events. Huge and exciting strides are being made in...
Our firm is profitable but…

Our firm is profitable but…

Many Managing Partners get exasperated by their firm’s inability to get away from being cash-strapped, despite seeming to make decent profits, whether annually or month-by-month. There is a constant worry about paying the salaries and other major commitments, such as...
New Year TechWatch

New Year TechWatch

We’re back with TechWatch, in which Nigel Stott casts his eye over the tech that’s coming our way in 2022. Hybrid working will continue to be a dominant theme in the year ahead and it is still very much Microsoft who are leading the way on this. We therefore focus in...